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Eugen Tarnow


      A clinical trial with humorous results

      Eugen G Tarnow  March 31 2017 03:43:44 PM
      By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.
      Avalon Business Systems, Inc.

      We humans exist on a normal distribution and it is the job of healthcare marketers to keep chipping away at the tails.  

      One such effort is the "Restless Leg Syndrome".  So GlaxoSmithKline, the National Institute of Health, the FDA and somebody else whose logo I cannot identify

      Image:A clinical trial with humorous results

      set out to perform a clinical trial.  They used the "International Restless Legs Syndrome Rating Scale":


      The maximum score is 40.  It does not say in the clinical trial results what the baseline scores were.


      The results were overwhelming:

      Image:A clinical trial with humorous results

      As soon as the treatment period started, RLS patients started to improve!  The improvement kept increasing until about 8 weeks into the trial where it stopped at an impressive 12 points with the placebo and 15 points with the drug!

      The upshot is then that anybody with RLS should ask a friend to start a "clinical trial" on the sufferer - and her/his leg will stay put.

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